medicine Archives - Peaker's Corner Have you heard about the swimming race? For all your peaking needs. Tue, 04 Oct 2022 20:44:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 210049861 07. Medicine Sat, 27 Aug 2022 22:46:32 +0000 Puberty Blockers What drugs are used to block puberty? Goserelin, Leuprorelin and Triptorelin – PBS indicates these are only for patients with advanced cancer. Is Lupron approved for treating gender dysphoria? No. In Australia…

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Puberty Blockers

What drugs are used to block puberty?

GoserelinLeuprorelin and Triptorelin – PBS indicates these are only for patients with advanced cancer.

Is Lupron approved for treating gender dysphoria?

No. In Australia it is approved for LATE STAGE PROSTATE CANCER ONLY.

There are longitudinal studies for using Lupron to treat Central Precocious Puberty in children. There are NO studies on the safety of completely halting puberty.

Are any experts worried? Yes.

Medicine or Malpractice?

This report, compiled by Lesbians United in the UK, reviews the current research into puberty blockers. The report “considers over 300 relevant sources, the majority of which are peer-reviewed scientific studies” and concludes:

Substantial evidence from peer-reviewed scientific studies, case studies, and clinical trials suggests that puberty-blocking drugs can negatively affect the skeleton, cardiovascular system, thyroid, brain, genitals, reproductive system, digestive system, urinary tract, muscles, eyes, and immune system. Particularly urgent concerns for adolescents treated with puberty-blocking drugs are loss of bone mineral density and increased risk of osteoporosis; potential for decreased IQ and other cognitive deficits; increased risk of depression and suicidal thoughts; and stunted sexual and reproductive development.

Evidence suggests that many of these effects are wholly or partially irreversible.

PUBERTY SUPPRESSION: Medicine or Malpractice?

How much do they cost and who benefits?

Puberty blockage will cost approximately $1000 per year (plus $200 visits to the gender clinic).

What does the PBS say?

Puberty blockers are for ADVANCED PROSTATE CANCER.

Any lawsuits? Yep.

Chest binding

Surgery Results


“Top” Surgery / Mastectomy

aka I’m so relieved I don’t have to bind anymore.

The Phallo Thigh

A phallus can be fashioned with skin harvested from the thigh. NY magazine published a photo of author Gabriel Mac showing a large hole in her thigh.

The Phallo Sleeve

The characteristic sleeve of skin removed from the forearm to fashion a neo-phallus.

WARNING: Do not click after eating


Aftermath and regret

Scott Newgent is a female who is open about the negative outcomes of medical transition and phalloplasty.

Is sex change medically possible?

Of course, hormones can be used to make a girl who takes testosterone, for example, get a deep voice and grow a beard. But from this, the girl will not grow testicles and will not produce sperm.

Nobel prize winner Prof. Nüsslein-Volhard

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08. Google “John Money” Sat, 27 Aug 2022 06:09:19 +0000 (WORK IN PROGRESS) Who created gender ideology? Gender ideology is inextricably linked to the development of medical technology for gender reassignment. The forefathers of gender ideology and gender medicine practiced…

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Who created gender ideology?

Gender ideology is inextricably linked to the development of medical technology for gender reassignment. The forefathers of gender ideology and gender medicine practiced experimental techniques on vulnerable patients, even lying about the outcomes.

  • Magnus Hirschfeld
  • Erwin Gohrbandt
  • John Money
  • Alfred Kinsey

Magnus Hirschfeld

Magnus Hirschfeld was a doctor and sexual researcher. He was an early champion of homosexual rights in Germany during the 1920s.

His research lead Hirschfeld to believe that homosexuality was the result of feminising influences on males (vice versa for lesbianism). He supported legalised homosexuality on the basis that homosexual men were genetically defective males who couldn’t help it. These days we would recognise this as internalised homophobia.

He developed a system which categorised 64 possible types of sexual intermediary, ranging from masculine, heterosexual male to feminine, homosexual male, including those he described under the term transvestite (Ger. Transvestit), which he coined in 1910, and those he described under the term transsexuals, a term he coined in 1923.[48] He also made a distinction between transsexualism and intersexuality.[48][49] At this time, Hirschfeld and the Institute for Sexual Sciences issued a number of transvestite passes to trans people in order to prevent them from being harassed by the police.[50][51]

Hirschfeld was a pioneer of experimental genital surgery, taking in homeless gay and transsexual men, and using them and surgical guinea pigs. One such is Dora/Rudolph Richter, his servant.

Erwin Gohrbandt

Gohrbandt worked with Magnus Hirschfeld to conduct experiments sex change surgery on Dora/Rudolph Richter, Lili Elbe and others.

Elbe died as a result.

He’s also a known war criminal

Dr. Erwin Gohrbandt
Gohrbandt was a high-ranking top surgeon in Germany. As the Director of Surgery at the University Clinic of Berlin, he was the chief medical advisor for aeronautical medicine at the Luftwaffe’s Sanitary Services Division (Annas & Grodin, 1992). He participated in the Dachau Hypothermia Experiments and then published a report on them in a leading surgical journal.

John Money

John Money is the father of the modern gender movement. He coined the term “gender identity”.

John Money

  • Conducted abusive sexual experiments on children
  • Developed

In 1966, Dr. Money founded the Gender Identity Clinic at Johns Hopkins University and started an extensive research program on the psychohormonal treatment of paraphilias and on sex reassignment. Money formulated, defined, and coined the term “gender role” and later expanded it to gender-identity/role (G-I/R).


Further Peaking


Hirschfeld, Gohrbandt, Money, Kinsey


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