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03. Male Lesbians, Girldick and The Cotton Ceiling – resistance to men in women’s spaces is reframed as hate, bigotry, and even literal violence.
Taking Over Women’s Spaces
Coogee Women’s Pool
Bigotry & Violence
Too many women have been accused of bigotry to catalog them here. These are just a few examples.
Reframing women’s words as violence
Sall Grover founded an app for women, intending to allow trans-women to also use it. However a beta version was discovered by trans activists and she was branded a TERF. Her app has 1-star reviews and she is regularly abused in the media and online.
Now Sall campaigns for women-only space.

TERF is a Slur
Trans activists have managed to redefine the act of speaking words (he, him, refusing to say “trans women are women”) as literally violence. They believe that violence is warranted in return.

JK Rowling and the Trans Activists

Linksjuden = “Left Youth”, a German political organisation

As soon as this site was launched, the trolls expressed their displeasure
The best comment was “you terfs need to get a hobby” coming from someone who spent an evening leaving tens of comments on a blog.

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