06. No Regrets

Despite the cries of the gender clinics, there are people who regret gender affirmation treatments. Puberty blockers, hormones and surgeries can leave them sterile or even completely lacking sexual function…
05. Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria – The Transgender Trend

05. Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria – The Transgender Trend

Clownfish If you only have 6 minutes to peak someone, try this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rV-Exeal17s Spike in Referrals Australia https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/health-and-wellness/staying-on-her-feet-how-michelle-telfer-won-gender-clinic-battle-20200416-p54kjf.html UK - Tavistock Clinic Published in The Economist Canada Gender Mapper -…
04. Children

04. Children

Children who do not conform to sex role stereotypes are seen as actually belonging to the opposite sex. Diagnosing Gender Dysphoria in Children This is the criteria for diagnosing children…
10. Crime & Prison

10. Crime & Prison

Men are in women's prisons in Australia Australian prisons are managed at a state level. Each state decides whether to keep records of inmate sex or gender, and often transgender…
01. Sport

01. Sport

This Never Happens Except it does happen, more and more. These are just a few examples and an attempt to collate examples from Australia. Australia Hannah Mouncey - AFL/Handball (Australia)…